Team Collaboration

living idea

The use of collective intelligence in knowledge creation

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Books (37)
  • Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life
    “The ultimate guide to using the magical power of funny as a tool for leadership and a force for good.”—Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author
  • Data teams
    How to integrate data teams into organization in an effective way, enabling executive data science practices.
  • The Study of Language
    Introduction to the study of language, its origins along with linguistic relativity, cognitive and social categories.
  • The Creative Thinking Handbook: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Problem Solving in Business
    Based on long-term research and testing of the creative thinking process, The Creative Thinking Handbook helps to generate more ideas and find brilliant solutions for any professional challenge.
  • Make Yourself Clear
    Make Yourself Clear explains the many parallels between teaching and business and offer companies, both large and small, concrete advice for building the teaching capacity of their salespeople, leaders, service professionals, and trainers.
  • The Oxford Handbook of Group Creativity and Innovation
    The book covers recent theoretical, empirical, and practical developments that provide a solid basis for the practice of collaborative innovation
  • The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity
    The handbook introduces creativity scholarship by summarising its history, major theories and assessments, how creativity develops across the lifespan, and suggestions for improving creativity.
  • Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society
    How our genes affect not only our bodies and behaviors, but also the ways in which we make societies, ones that are surprisingly similar worldwide. A synthesis of history, philosophy, anthropology, genetics, sociology, economics, epidemiology, statistics, and more
  • The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World
    Drawing on a vast body of experimental research, Iain McGilchrist argues that the left brain makes for a wonderful servant, while the right side takes the position of the more reliable and insightful master.
  • Team Human
    Douglas Rushkoff wrote this book to help as many people as possible who now struggle in the world of today. It feels as if civilization itself were on the brink, and that we lack the collective willpower and coordination necessary to address issues of the very survival of our species." He then asserts, "It doesn't have to be this way."
  • When Cultures Collide: Leading Across Cultures
    A set of practical strategies to embrace differences and work successfully across increasingly diverse business cultures. Publication coming from a chairman of an international institute of cross-cultural training with offices in over 30 countries and founder of the quarterly magazine Cross Culture
  • The Meaning Revolution
    Bringing together economics and conflict resolution, counselling and mindfulness, Kofman provides a leadership framework that is counterintuitive to the regular MBA practices but based on a very firm foundation - the meaning.
  • The Elephant in the Brain: Hidden Motives in Everyday Life
    The book brings together research on various topics of limited reach that, when combined, speak to the outrageous gall of the mind in recreating reality to its own liking, and then covering its tracks.
  • No ego
    The book challenges the traditional beliefs on employee engagement and traditionalist leadership. It explains why it is time to move on and take on alternative takes on employee engagement.
  • The Cultural Dimension of Global Business
    The book provide an essential foundation for understanding the impact of culture on global business and global business on culture.
  • Cross-Cultural Dialogues: 74 Brief Encounters with Cultural Difference
    A collection of dialogues on interpreting conversations from the founder of intercultural communication training and consulting firm. 1998 text revised as second edition
  • Small Giants
    Wonderful book about belief systems and how bringing in personal beliefs and values into a business can positively affect the success and impact of businesses.
  • Reinventing Organizations: An Illustrated Invitation
    An illustrated version that conveys the main ideas of the original book "Reinventing Organizations" that shares many of its real-life stories in a lively, engaging way.
  • Nonviolent Communication
    If "violent" means acting in ways that result in hurt or harm, then judging others, bullying could indeed be called "violent communication." Nonviolent Communication is the integration of four things: Consciousness, Language, Communication, Means of influence, Empathic Connection and Sharing of resources so everyone is able to benefit
  • The Oxford Handbook of Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
    The publication integrate three interrelated literatures on Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. Chapters were provided by the leading scholars in these research areas.
  • The Cambridge Handbook of Cultural-Historical Psychology
    The volume systematically presents cultural-historical psychology as an integrative/holistic developmental science of mind, brain, and culture.
  • The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business
    A book that illustrates the misunderstandings that can arise from clashing cultural assumptions
  • The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
    Ben Horowitz, cofounder of Andreessen Horowitz and one of Silicon Valley's most respected and experienced entrepreneurs, offers essential advice on building and running a startup
  • Reinventing Organizations
    Probably the most influential management book of this decade, inspiring to take a radical leap and adopt a whole different set of management principles and practices.
  • Crossing the Chasm
    Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers. The book illustrates existence of a vast chasm between the early adopters and the early majority in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle
  • Managing Information Quality: Increasing the Value of Information in Knowledge-intensive Products and Processes
    The book examines ways in which the quality of information can be improved in knowledge-intensive processes (such as on-line communication, strategy, product development, or consulting
  • Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
    Blink reveals that great decision makers aren't those who process the most information or spend the most time deliberating, but those who have perfected the art of "thin-slicing"-filtering the very few factors that matter from an overwhelming number of variables.
  • Creativity: When East Meets West
    A collection of articles being an attempt at exploring and answering creativity questions from both the Eastern and Western perspectives.
  • Applied Cultural Linguistics: Implications for second language learning and intercultural communication
    The volume explores implications of research carried out within the general area of cultural linguistics for the learning of second languages and inter- cultural communication
  • Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness
    Robert K. Greenleaf is considered the creator of the modern trend to empower employees; he also coined the term servant-leadership. Upon his retirement from AT&T, he founded the Center for Applied Ethics.
  • Maps of Meaning
    The book brings together neuropsychology, cognitive science, and Freudian and Jungian approaches to mythology and narrative, to provide an insight into the precipitous decline in meaning and identity
  • The Tipping Point
    How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference and the science behind viral trends in business, marketing, and human behavior.
  • Cross-Cultural Pragmatics – The Semantics of Human Interaction
    The description of theory based on universal semantic primitives and relies on a 'natural semantic metalanguage'. Interaction with people by the use and expression of meanings free from ethocentric bias
  • The Creativity Question
    A collection of essays brings psychiatric and philosophical authority to the discussion of an important topic - creativity. AN enormous amount of seminal works on creativity. Individual papers are all classics.
  • A Theory of Human Motivation
    A foundational explanation of the theory of motivation. This is the first material in which Maslow presented his hierarchy of needs. Maslow studied what he called exemplary people such as Albert Einstein, Jane Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Frederick Douglass rather than mentally ill or neurotic people.
Articles (4)
  • Why it’s so hard to work with creative genius
    Creative geniuses can be both a boon and a bane in the workplace, so getting the most of these extraordinary minds can be slippery for everyone involved.
  • Teaching Creativity to Business Students: How Well Are We Doing?
    The comparison of CPAC creativity scores of different business majors yielded unexpected results. The article offers recommendations for business curriculum.
  • Does Artistic Collaboration Ever Work?
    How creativity is both nurtured and thwarted when people team up. „Everything . . . is infused with banality. Who is using whom here?''
  • Eight Ways to Build Collaborative Teams
    HBR article based on a research into team behavior that illustrated, that the same four qualities required for success are the same qualities that undermine success. Also, about creating cooperative “gift culture” instead of “tit-for-tat culture.” and ways of modeling collaborative behavior.
Scientific Papers (7)
  • Effective Brainstorming
    The chapter from "Oxford Handbook of Group Creativity and Innovation" that reviews the extensive literature on brainstorming to determine potential best practices.
  • The Genetic Basis for Creativity and Ideation Fluency
    The authors replicate findings of research on candidate genes for creativity with findings, at present, that the genetic base of creativity remains unclear.
  • Dynamic social networks promote cooperation in experiments with humans
    The experimental evidence of the power of using strategic link formation and dissolution, and the network modification it entails, to stabilize cooperation in sizable groups
  • Variable Attention Facilitates Creative Problem Solving
    Creative people's ability to adjusting their focus of attention as a function of task demands (between defocused attention for high ambiguity of a task to a focused one)
  • Team member proximity and teamwork in innovative projects
    The proximity of team members has potentially important implications for the collaborative working of teams. Using data from 430 team members and team leaders of 145 software development teams, the results of the regression models show that team members' proximity is significantly related to teamwork qualility.
  • Teamwork Quality and the Success of Innovative Projects: A Theoretical Concept and Empirical Evidence
    The growing awareness, that “good teamwork” increases the success of innovative projects, raises new questions: What is teamwork, and how can it be measured? article develops a comprehensive concept of the collaboration in teams, called Teamwork Quality (TWQ) with its six facets.
  • Emotional Contagion
    Awareness of the existence of emotional contagion may prove useful in understanding and perhaps advancing various areas of interpersonal communication. People's own emotions were more influenced by the others' nonverbal clues as to what they were really feeling.