Thought Transfer
The ability to identify, interpret, create and transmit meaning across a variety of forms of communication
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Books (8 of 46)
- A comprehensive, up-to-date analysis of research and theory in the field, with a focus on computer-based learning.Jul 28, 2014
- Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All LearnersVisible Thinking is a research-based approach to teaching thinking, begun at Harvard's Project Zero, that develops students' thinking dispositions, while at the same time deepening their understanding of the topics they study.May 3, 2011
- The research, experiences from the field, vignettes, and work. A book that links research and practice and shows the true impact of a specific instructional approach on student learningJan 28, 2011
- The book recognizes that the future of economic well being in today's knowledge and information society rests upon the effectiveness of schools and corporations to empower their people to be more effective learners and knowledge creators.Nov 26, 2009
- 12 principles of instructional design that are based on experimental research studies and grounded in a theory of how people learn from words and pictures. The result is what Mayer calls the cognitive theory of multimedia learning.Jan 12, 2009
- Usable, science-baked strategies for improving classroom instructionsJan 1, 2001
- The classical critique for the assumption that language goes before perception. For Arnheim, the only access to reality we have is through our senses. Arnheim also argues that perception is strongly identified with thinking, and that artistic expression is another way of reasoning.May 4, 1969
Articles (5 of 14)
- Demystify the learning process with the help of Explain Everything WhiteboardFeb 10, 2020
- Practicing sketchnoting in the classroom for thinking visuallyNov 3, 2019
- Visual representation has been shown to encourage constructive strategies. Inventing representations (including drawings) acts as preparation for future learning. The growing interest in drawing reflects new understandings of science as a multimodal discursive practice, as well as mounting evidence for its value in supporting quality learning.Aug 26, 2011
- Summary of research that examined how students learn Science with an interactive whiteboard that support a range of multi- modal representation typesMar 3, 2010
- What are the tools of cognition for teachers to use to directly facilitate the specific thinking skills of apprentice learners so they move from being novice thinkers to expert thinkers?Jan 1, 2009
Scientific Papers (14 of 33)
- Use of Explain Everything as a modeling tool in mobile learning to increase confidence and proficiency in comprehension and understandingSep 18, 2019
- Use of Explain Everything as a modeling tool in mobile learning to increase confidence and proficiency in comprehension and understandingMar 26, 2018
- Teaching using an Interactive Whiteboard does not indicate dialogic interaction, according to the current study. The questions about the place and role of the IWB are asked. The answer would seem to lie in the teachers' perceptional change in respect of interaction and learning.Aug 20, 2017
- The article documents improvements in final examination performance as benefits from using student-generated screencast assignments. THe method supported development of creativity, communication and multimedia skills.Nov 28, 2016
- Whiteboard animations have a positive effect on retention, engagement and enjoyment, although we do not rule out the possibility that some of this result is due to novelty.May 16, 2016
- Contemporary cultural forms involve more than the perceptual system of sight and more than visual images as a communicative mode. Meaning is made through an interaction of different communicative modes.Dec 21, 2015
- The article reviews 42 studies investigating the role of sequencing of text and pictures for learning outcomes. It is not so much the sequence of text and pictures per se that affects learning outcomes than boundary conditions (i.e., type of assessed knowledge, relative complexity. The relative complexity of information conveyed by the picture and by the text should determine which medium is better to be processed first, with less complex information being processed first leading to better comprehension.Jul 15, 2015
- The pedagogical problem addressed in this paper relates to how student engagement can be increased by improving the content and the way the lecture is communicated through the use of technology. Paper presents an innovative way to deliver lectures in the higher education setting through the use of an iPad and a unique presentation application, called Explain Everything.Oct 18, 2014
- The paper examines visual metaphors presented using interactive multimedia as a means of helping students build connections between an arithmetic procedure and their existing conceptual knowledgeJun 7, 2010
- Paper introduces CATLM - Cognitive–Affective Theory of Learning with Media from which five instructional design principles are derived.Jun 22, 2007
- Study of short-term and long-term effects of two kinds of advance organizers in a fully Web-based course with positive (but not inconclusive) benefits in short-term knowledge acquisitionApr 14, 2007
- The study aims to compare the effects of visual versus verbal metaphors in facilitating novices and experts in the comprehension and construction of mental models.Jan 4, 2006
- The colossal landscape of knowledge is growing at exponential rates and requires representational maps utilizing advanced techniques to provide insight into the structure of knowledge.Jan 5, 2005
- The effects of imagery on immediate and long term recall and organization (clustering) were studies with regard to hight and low imagery concrete stimulus. It was concluded that imagery is an important factor in free recall and organization nad functions analogously to verbal process.Sep 9, 1977